Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ingenuity Festival Cleveland

This weekend it was back to the homeland! O Cleveland, my Cleveland, how I had missed thee. It just so happened that this weekend was the Ingenuity festival and this became my first year to go willingly. My dad used to always drag me as a child to show me all of the awesome artsy things going on by locals -- especially Case staff.
I got home and received a text from a friend telling me that he was going and I should check it out too. So I went. As I drove, however, the rain began to fall harder and harder. Once I got over to Chester (a 35 mile per hour road) all of the cars were creeping between 25-30 and I was the peppy little red car out in front. It was going well, the rain made it pretty hard to see but I had driven this road thousands of times before. 
The the gas light came on. Ugh. I passed one gas station and missed it. Panic panic panic. The thought of being stranded in downtown in the pouring rain was not extremely pleasant to say the least. Luckily I came upon a BP, pulled in, darted through the pouring rain, paid 10 bucks on pump 5, darted back, and sat in the car soaking wet as the gas pumped. Whoo. 
So eventually I got the the Ingenuity festival which was held this year in the old warehouses by the lake. Numbers 30 and 32 to be exact. Artsyness at it's finest. The warehouses were filled with music from the bands playing, art hanging the walls, booths with cool technology things and crafts for sale, and my all time favorite coffee shop even had a booth set up. Heaven. As soon as I got in and we met up, I was immediately drawn to an exhibit set up with pews, stain glass windows and photographs of old churches. He said "Haha of course you go to this one first." #catholic nerd. We wandered for awhile and then -- once the rain had subsided -- went outside to buy a funnel cake and eat it next to the lake. It was so nice. 
O Cleveland, my Cleveland...always shall I love thee.

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