Saturday, August 31, 2013

Relationships & Socialness

O Saturday, restful Saturday. I spent the night in Becca's and Melissa's room, woke up around 10:30am, got lunch with Melissa and then spent the rest of the afternoon chilling in the JC curled up in a chair doing homework, fan-girling over my own tattoo and talking to Melissa and Hailey (a fellow softball player) Go, social powers, activate!
Life is so very boring without sacrifice. I was talking to a friend about what it's like dating people with problems like depression and I was confused by his outlook which was very different than mine. He thought that at our age we should have relationships simply for fun, enjoyment and (I'd assume) for sex. My reaction to that is just how incredibly shallow and boring that sounds. I feel so fulfilled helping and sacrificing for others. I find certain people truly intriguing and so I want to know how they work, what makes them fight, breathe and cry. A relationship consisting of only jokes and sex sounds so boring to me. Don't get me wrong, I love joking around, being stupid and laughing till my side hurts just as much as anybody but I also crave more than that. I want conversation, insight, perspective, and personality. That's why some of my friendships die out because (my own fault) I am incapable of opening up to them and so the friendship becomes shallow and superficial to me -- only concerned with jokes. Which is fine but, especially for a dating relationship, just could not work well. So, life without the fight, the chase, the hurt, and the victory just seems bland and almost pointless to me. There is no growth without struggle and no betterment of person without challenge. Just a little tangent, ramble, fun fact about how I think for ya there :)

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