Wednesday, August 28, 2013

hump day

*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz* "Meeehh, I don't wann- AH!!!" was my reaction this morning when my phone alarm finally woke me up at 8:41am after having been set for both 7:30am and 8:00am. I sprung (and by "sprung" I mean "groggily half climbed half fell" ) out of bed, threw on some clothes, mascara and a headband, chucked my books and binders in my backpack, grabbed a water bottle and power walked to my 9am class...and wasn't even late. BAM. Divine intervention. 
That class for which I was almost late was Accelerated Latin with the most adorable little professor ever. He's one of those profs who look angry and terrifying but is really a total sweetheart with a love for his subject and patience with his students. I am so relieved to be studying Latin with such a sweet man the next two semesters. 
Since I woke up so late for class this morning I didn't have time to get coffee. If you know me, you know what a huge problem this is. I need coffee like a good analogy needs a clever wit. I texted my good friend Ben "Beennn, could you please bring me coffee?!" He complied and I told him he was the best. Twas true. He brought my coffee to our shared 10am class Lyric and Dramatic Voices with the most brilliant professor to walk this planet, Dr. David Craig. I love this man. I freak out about him daily. He is funny, interesting, smart, devoutly Catholic but knows that people can be too quick to judge and too slow to listen. I love him. Ben and I emerged from that class fan-girling, pretty gosh darn hardcore fan-girling "O my gosh he is so so good. This class is the best! Eeeeeeh!"
The second class I had with him, Creative Writing, was even more amazing. His syllabus talks about the risk involved in writing a truly heartfelt character and writing about things to which you may not know the answer. He said, "Creative writing is about vulnerability. It is what it means to be a person. You can't write a good piece of creative writing with all of the answers." I died. What a beautiful quote. No brilliant work was written from a safe place -- I'm excited to push myself this semester.  And I did that very same class period. Instead of being the quiet one when put in a small group I pushed myself to laugh, joke around and contribute. Go, me, go. This theme of needing to be vulnerable has been following me around these past few weeks and I know I need to work more diligently on opening up to others before too many good things pass me by. 
My last class of the day included being given ketchup packets and looking at cool photo journalism things. Not too shabby :P
Other good things from today: Rocco bought me coffee, Matthew and I had a pleasant, friendly dinner and Joe and I talked about a fight we had this past summer. Good things. 

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