Friday, August 30, 2013

it's friday fridaaaaaay

I hate waking up but I love being awake. Molly and I went to breakfast this morning before her 8am. Not only was I rewarded by lovely company but by white chocolate chip raspberry scones (go, caf, go!)  These scone are sold by the on-campus coffee shop, Jazzman's, but sometimes you can get them for free ("free" meaning not paid for on the spot with points. With the amount paid for the meal plan one should expect scones by the truck load but noooo... >.<) at the caf if you get there early enough (before 8am) Another incentive of mine for waking up so early was that I needed to finish up some homework for my classes because I'm all over this whole "be a good student" thing. 
I'm am always being reminded of how much of it's own little world Franciscan is. For example, Molly and I had this conversation over scones and coffee:
*Molly looks distractidly over my shoulder"
Me "What are you looking at?"
Molly "Ooh, just this cute guy... but he's sitting with Living Stones."
Me "Oooh! Never a good sign...sorry."
Hehe. Living Stones is one of the priestly discernment households. All of the guys in that household are most likely going into the seminary and are off limits to girls who do not wish to become "that girl who charmed her way in, stole Jim's heart and took him away from the priesthood*tssk tssk*" Maybe it was God's plan for you to charm poor Jimmy's heart but... it may not be. So just chill out. 
Melissa and I took more photos today :) ya'll should go check out her blog : 
( ) cheeeccckkk it! 
foot tattoo shot :P
I am so pumped for my Creative Writing class. We've been doing lots of fun exercises and I'm really excited to start creating my own characters and story lines. SO MUCH PUMPED. 
Melissa, Becca and I spent the rest of the day lazing around in the grass looking up grad schools and possible living situations. Melissa wants me to live with her in the San Diego area after graduation -- an idea to which at first I say "No! I love Cleveland!" and secondly "No, I really should push myself out of my comfort zone." Everything about it scares me: the flying, the moving, packing, lack of autumn, too much sunshine and Californians :P But I want to do something so incredibly out of my comfort zone. Plus Cali would probably be a good place for a multi-media type job or go to grad school for English. We shall see. But as of now Cali out of graduation seems like a pretty sick plan.