Monday, May 26, 2014


My new favorite thing: re-using Starbucks venti cups. Yush :D
Sunlight is powerful. Durp.
So I went back inside and changed into a tank top and grabbed my sunglasses. Let me tell you, after coming back inside I was basically blind in my dark, cool house. Stupid sun. Yay sunglasses!
 I recently finished the first novel in this collection, This Side of Paradise. I just started The Beautiful and Damned -- gotta love Fitzgerald.
 Summa time whhaaaaat?!
 Coffee & water. Them staples, yo. 
 This was a shockingly comfortable way to read, actually.
 Who needs Cali when you have an 8 foot radius of sunlight in the Heights!? ;)
Also, look at my new piercing! I was going to get a snug but apparently I don't have one o.0
Sooo I got a high conch piercing. I really really like it. My right ear had been lonely with just a rook -- it needed a friend ;)
I stayed out here for about and hour and a half until I got kicked out by a deer.
This young doe popped up from behind the garage about 20 feet away from me and we made eye contact. I was just quietly observing until she started bobbing her head and stopping her hooves. I booked it. She stayed still staring at me safely perched on our porch for a good 10 mins.

with love,

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