Thursday, May 8, 2014

summer day & food

So school is over, summer is here, and I'm back in the homeland :) I am currently obsessed with watching "my morning/night routine" videos on YouTube and so I thought I'd do my own little modified version.
First breakfast: Almond milk, oatmeal, water, coffee, and fruit has been my staple breakfast for the last year or so (when I'm not as school, of course)
Side note: I drink water as I'm getting my breakfast ready because I drink an absurd amount of coffee and need to stay hydrated :]
Why almond milk? Well, I hate the taste of milk. But I desperately need calcium in my life. Almond milk tastes really good in oatmeal and doesn't give that "milky" taste -- so, I love it!
And yes, cheap, Target brand oatmeal.
Literally my favorite thing ever.
 And here's the final product:
Tastes good and is super filling. Also, I need ice in my coffee. Ain't nobody got time for hot coffee. 

After breakfast I threw on some comfortable jeans to feel a little more put together and curled up on the couch to read.
I'm starting with  "This Side of Paradise" 
Fitzgerald is freaking brilliant. LOVE.
After a few hours of not moving I'm hungry again. Time for more food!
Again with the theme of getting more calcium -- greek yogurt. 1 cup contains 25% of your daily calcium and 23 grams of protein. I always buy the plain bitter kind because the cereal/granola/fruit I'll add to it sweeten it enough. Again, this is a super simple, super filling staple for my diet.
Other common meals for me are: turkey sandwiches, homemade tuna salad, strawberry & chicken salads :) I try to eat a base of healthy food. For example, I'll eat aforementioned meals  but then have whatever my mom makes for dinner. Or tonight I'm going to a friend's house for burgers & good beer (pumped!) My biggest thing now is not having "can't" foods. Be balanced, don't obsess, just live your life. Food is meant to fuel your life, not become it. 
Also, it is very easy to spend my whole day sitting down: reading, watching TV, web surfing... etc. So I try to turn some of those things into standing activities. I've stood at my kitchen counter while making this blog post and sometimes I'll do the same for YouTube videos. And sometimes I'll flop myself off the couch onto the floor and do a few crunches :P
Lastly, every spring these lovely purple flowers bloom and they are my favorite! As a child I thought they were grapes...awkward.

Have a wonderful day & brilliant summer!

with love,

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