Friday, May 23, 2014

headband free, yo

die, trich, die

This first photo is from 3-4 months ago after letting my hair grow for about 1 - 1/2 months. Trust me, this was a huuuge improvement -- I actually had hair there :P
 This photo is from today. I'm actually at a point now there I can comfortably not wear a headband and actually enjoy it!
Having bangs is a luxury I have long missed and let me tell you... damn it feels good!
To any of you also struggling with trichotillomania -- there is hope! There are other outlets for your stress and you can do it. It's going to be okay :)
My main struggle was making myself aware of the times and places I was pulling and trying to keep my hands busy.
The more I said "no" the easier it became.
It's definitely difficult -- don't let anybody tell you other wise -- but you can do it.
For me, I got to a point where I was so pissed at not having hair that I made myself change. I hope & pray that you can find your own motivation to take care of yourself and do your body good.
It is possible!

with love,

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