Sunday, May 11, 2014

good things

Hey! So since I've been home I've just been doing better things for myself. I've just been feeling alot better in general & wanted to share what's up:

1.) Eating better. Fruit, lots of water, ya know... the healthies :P

2.) Cleaning. I cleaned my entire room -- something that hasn't been done in over a decade. It is so clean and usable now!
3.) Reading. I'm over half way done with "This Side of Paradise" by (my man) F. Scott Fitzgerald.
4.) Exercise. I got really out of shape over the semester and put on alot of weight from sheer, purposeful, self neglect. It's hard to feel any bit of confidence when I can't fit in to most of my clothes SOOOO I'm working to reverse the damage. But I'm doing it better, more self-caring, more patiently that I have ever done before. It feels good. I like to run. Usually I run a set amount, then sprint up the hills in my neighborhood, then come back home and do some jump rope sets. I could barely do half of what I could last summer. But that's okay. I'm building back up. Plus I was running on a throat/lungs full of dust from my room excavation :P
post work out/shower selfie??
5.) FANCY STUFF. Okay, so I've always been the kind of person to buy the cheapest, knock-off brand version of things. But I found this shampoo/conditioner set that really helps grow back my hair so I figure that it's worth it. 

6.) THIS SONG. It just expresses my current relationship status :D

I'm hopeful. I start work tomorrow again and it will be good to be busy, surrounded by wonderful people and making that cash money ;) As of tomorrow I only have 4 weeks till California! Now off to a chill night in: take out Thai food, Fitzgerald, and tea.

with love, 

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