Thursday, May 22, 2014

summa time


So yesterday my co-workers went to the West Side Market and picked up alot of fresh fruit. It's another wonderful part about living in Cleveland: the West Side Market. To buy produce you must walk down a long aisle where sellers -- perched above yo behind their stands -- yell in thick accents that their fruit is better and cheaper than the dude-next-to-them's. Very stressful but cool :) Inside the market are more stands of meat, pastry, bread, crepes, homemade  pasta, fresh caught fish, and of course coffee. It's awesome. The building is gorgeous and it supports local sellers.
 I came over after work and we made fruit salad with the plans to make fruit napoleons, pies, and tarts :) YAY FRUIT.
 Also, going to my co-worker's different apartments makes me even more excited to have my own. I can't wait to decorate and make it my own little home :) All of the apartments are sweet, just the right size, and the neighborhood is perfect. Plus rent is usually around $500 a month. So manageable. 
 The fruit was so good and so fresh... I, however, discovered I do not like mangos. But I ate them anyway. #sociallyawkward
 This Nicki --- HI NICKI.
 See the wall decor around the clock? $1 from Walmart. It adds so much!
Also, say hello to my first ever pair of denim shorts since I was 10. They need to be belted because -- per usual -- if it fits my legs it gapes at my waist. O WELL. I like the contrast of that belt.

happy summer!

with love,

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