Thursday, July 3, 2014


Hello world! Hello long neglected blog!

Well, well, well.
I've been home for the summer for about 2 months now. I've been working loads, visiting Cali, and being my normal stressed out self =P 
I've been thinking -- as usual -- about how motivation and self worth have to be completely internal and independent of any external causes. For example, having good employment, good people in my life, sitting in my room curled up in sweatpants, a scented candle burning, and a yummy drink should make me feel content, capable, good. Why then do I still give up and do things like binge? Murp. I'm going to have to work very hard this semester to make myself work to degree to which I can and not sell myself short. It is very hard. But since I'm only taking four classes I'm hopeful.
Random fact of the day -- straws are friggin awesome. I am far too impatient to sip my coffee like a normal person so I need a straw to sip it quickly into my blood stream :D  YAY.
Anyway... my current life plan is a year in Cleveland, a year back at Franny U, a year in England, some time in China, then... who knows? 
I hope you -- whoever you are, wherever you are -- are having a wonderful day filled with hope and excitement. 
with love,

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