Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Comeback Kid

Hi, hello there, hi.
*sheepish wave*
It most certainly has been a long time now, now hasn't it? A very long time. I guess here comes a brief over view/life update and the things I've learned along the way.

Ain't she lovely?
I have been living back home in Cleveland this semester and have also taken this semester off from classes. At a certain point pushing through mental breakdowns and the like is just a waste of mind and money.

2.)The Bakery...
Where I sometimes make cookies like this:
 And complain about having to go in like this:
 And have wonderful customer-free shifts like this:
coworkers take the dining room
 And have sweet notes left for me like this:
 And work with crazy Albanian women like this:
I've been working 40 hours a week since coming back. Let me tell you, working that much with a full class load and mental problems does not work out too well. O well. Life is life, stories gained, and it moves on.

3.) Poetry People
So, I normally don't befriend females all too frequently. But I found some fantastic word-wise ones. Poetry brings people together, man. And I have been writing lots of it.
 And have become especially close with some -- pictured here hanging out at Becky's. That's another thing, Becky's is the most perfect neighborhood bar.ever. And has free wifi, a parking lot, hot chocolate, and brick walls.
Jake Pastor and my left elbow pictured here:
And it all began with one boy. Who also just wrote me a letter:

5.) Health Food & Yoga
A large part of my life recently has been playing submissive to depression. Eating cookies and bread all day, sleeping till 2pm simply because I don't want to exist, and giving up on a hope for a better self. SO. To combat that I like to drink loads of water, buy & eat much healthier food, and exercise.
 I've been becoming a HUGE fan of yoga. It's all about the union of body and mind and pushing past pain and boundaries because your body is potent. Capable. Powerful. Yours. Not to lose weight or sculpt it. Those are some happy accidents, mind you, but primarily because they are pushed to the background.
 Moderation, self-care, priorities, and being self forgiving. Those are the steps. It will be okay.
6.) And This Fantastic Life Lesson:
Let the things you love lift you up and inspire you. Make you happier and gladden your soul. 

with love,

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