Saturday, April 19, 2014

home for Easter

Hello! So I've been home this whole weekend for Easter break. Here is what has been going on:

1.) On Thursday I got to witness my long time friend Vinny receive his first ever Holy Communion at a beautiful high mass. Somebody caught a photo!
2.) I've been hitting up my favorite coffee shop where the baristas, clad in Indians merch (which just adds to their good looks :P ), discuss the Tribe as they pour my coffee and plate my scone. I love it.
Clearly, much studying was accomplished:
3.) I feel so much more productive at home. Driving from place to place, running my mother's errands, transporting my brother, and the like somehow make me feel semi on top of my life. For example, our french press broke so -- me to the rescue -- found a new one. TIP: If you need a french press go to T.J. Max or Marshall's. You'll save about 25 bucks.
4.) FOOD. Melissa and I were talking about how people tend to eat healthier when they go home. Certainly proves true for me -- hence breakfast this morning:
5.) I also decided to take selflies for Melissa :P

6.) Exploring Cleveland with the newly Catholic Vinny. DUDE. I had never been to a vegan restaurant  but Vinny took me to The Flaming Ice Cube (<--- suuuper artsy name, right?) IT WAS SO SO GOOD. He also ran into a friend who worked there who he had met at a drum circle -- she rejected my handshake and hugged me. Aight. :P
7.) Also in Cleveland we went to the Cleveland Clothing Company where I bought Molly and me matching T-shirts :) #dorks. They're a beautiful teal color.... and say (216). REPPIN THE 216, YO :P
8.) Going to the Lake Erie Coffee Co. and chatting with the baristas who were HILARIOUS and such sweet people.
9.) Dinner with Terry. Good friend, good food, YAY.
10.) General family chill time.

I'm feeling somewhat refreshed and am ready to return to school, do these tests and papers, and be home ffffrrrrreeeeeeeee!!

with love,

1 comment:

  1. yay! :) as sad as I am to see you leave next year, it truly makes my heart swell to see you so happy and at peace at home <3 love & blessings!
