Monday, August 26, 2013

Sleep & Tattoos

Today was the day of sleep -- I slept in for the first time in at least a month and successesfully didn't fall off my first-ever-top-bunk-bed or hit my head on the too close ceiling above or crash to floor climbing off the bed in my groggy state with out a ladder. Go, me, go.
I also got over some anxieties from last year like brushing my teeth in front of people (all the judgement) and changing in front of my roommate. First semester I would tote my clothes down the hall and change in the bathroom (body image issues, ftw) but this summer has been a good one for coming to terms with my body.
Let me take this space here to express my gratitude for Molly's dealing with my introversion. Today, for example, she invited me to lunch with her and another friend but when I declined she didn't push me or think of me as a jerk loner. She understands that I need time right now -- time to unwind and get reacclimated with my surroundings. Instead of eating with her I went off the the JC (our student center) bought a meal exchange and a large coffee and took it back to my room, stripped down to a tank top, put on music, breathed and ate. I don't think I can ever adequately describe the amazing feeling of finally being alone. It's just such an immense relief.
And then I began writing this portion of this post. I love to write. That's one reason why I started this blog -- not because I think people care about my day but because I like rambling about it and I love to write. I'll take any excuse I can get.
NOW ON TO THE EXCITING PART... I got a tattoo *squeal* "Look at the birds of the air..." I love it. I absolutely love it. And it was only 50 bucks! Yes, it hurt. More than I expected. But for me pain isn't a big deal because it happens, it's over, and the reward lasts so much longer (Kinda like with piercings, surgery and childbirth... :P ) all the photos.....


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