Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I have found a good way of dealing with myself when I am feeling not the greatest or falling into my old habits and triggers... writing. 
It is so therapeutic for me to write about my feelings or situation as if it's happening to a character in the third person. For example:

"Pieces of hair fell across her paper forming a pile of dark brown strands. Damn it! Stop! Alright, breathe. She put her hands on her thighs and rubbed her hands over her dark blue jeans, knee cap to hip, over and over, concentrating on the methodical action. You can’t afford to pull anymore. You’ll be happy you don’t. Please… breathe. Shakily she again picked up her pen..."

Hurp durp. I love writing. Have a good day!

with love,

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Winter break...
Relaxing, reading and writing before starting it all up again for spring semester.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


The worst times usually have the best highlights. I was studying for an exam on a snowy day with Molly and Connor and then Connor surprised us with huge cookies :) Walking to class the other day people were hanging out free hot chocolate and playing Christmas music. So simple, so sweet, so awesome. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

poetry tips

It's finals week!!
 Although so much of our homework and school work in online now-a-days and most of us use computers, I am still a huge advocate of good ol pen and paper. For example, right now I'm writing about 10 poems simultaneously. No fun. Anyways, I have been getting alot of writer's block. To combat this I've taken to printing off whatever I have typed up and marking it up the old fashioned way then re-typing my revisions on the computer. A change of medium usually helps jog my sluggish mind.
Hope this helps any of you fellow writer's -block-havers :P

God bless & good luck!

With love,